Get started

How to get started with the Telia APIs?

For Telia Company users

Telia Company Users you don't need to register a new account. Use the "Login for Telia Company employees" at the login page

For non-Telia Company users

You have to register first to be able to interact with the APIs on the Telia Developer Portal. Follow these steps to create a new account and request access to the APIs:

1) Go to the registration page.

2) Type your email address and your chosen username, then answer the security question to prove that you are human.

3) Click Create new account.

4) The system will send you a notification about the registration to the email address you provided in the second step. Your registration has to be approved by the administrator. It may take some time.

5) When the administrator has approved your registration, you will receive another email with a one-time login link. Click on it.

6) Your profile page opens. Provide your password then save the changes at the bottom of the page. You can now see and use the APIs on the page.

If you are an API-consumer, you will find all relevant information here

If you are an API-producer, you will find all relevant information here

Telia Europe