Getting started with Telia APIs
What is an API?
“Think of an API like a menu in a restaurant. The menu provides a list of dishes you can order, along with a description of each dish. When you specify what menu items you want, the restaurant’s kitchen does the work and provides you with some finished dishes. You don’t know exactly how the restaurant prepares that food, and you don’t really need to.”
The idea is to make it easier to consume resources and at the same time keep security tighter by exposing information on a need-to-know basis
Joining the portal
If you're a TCAD user, you can go straight to the Login page and use the TCAD login option.
If you're not a TCAD user, you need to go to the Registration page and create an account first
Start producing APIs
If you're a developer and what information on how to get started, go here or press on the Producer tab at the top of the screen. Both options require that you're logged in.
Our solution
We have chosen an open and democratic way for the integration of APIs. The basic idea is to have the hub providing a platform and the tools so the consumers and developers can focus on using their resouces, whatever they may be, at the most effective way. To be able to achieve this, we're aiming for as little restrictions and guidance as possbile, to let the users have the control over their own work.
For more information regarding the Hub and Spokes model, please visit our wiki
About APIgee
APIgee is our choice when it comes to API managemant. APIgee is a Google product, used by small and large user all across the world. It is cloud based and we're running it on AWS.
If you want to know more, have a look at APIgees own information site
You also try it out with their evaluation. Give it a try here
About the Developer Portal
Even if APIgee is a great solution for API Mangement, it's not designed to be "the front" for users. Therefore we have The Developer Portal, where we can customize a portal based on our needs and requests.
The portal is always under construction; We're adding new features and improving existing features with the goal to provide with a easier and more powerful tools for the users so they can focus on other things.
Try out an API
When you're feeling ready for it, you can try one of our APIs out with Postman, just to get a feeling on how things are working.
Go here and follow the instructions.
Good luck!