Appendix B - Tooling
This is not a part of the actual guidelines, but might be helpful for following them. Using a tool mentioned here doesn’t automatically ensure you follow the guidelines.
API First Integrations
The following frameworks were specifically designed to support the API First workflow with OpenAPI YAML files (sorted alphabetically):
Connexion: OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask
Friboo: utility library to write microservices in Clojure with support for Swagger and OAuth
Api-First-Hand: API-First Play Bootstrapping Tool for Swagger/OpenAPI specs
Swagger Codegen Tooling: plugin for Maven that generates pieces of code from OpenAPI specification
The Swagger/OpenAPI homepage lists more Community-Driven Language Integrations, but most of them do not fit our API First approach.
Support Libraries
These utility libraries support you in implementing various parts of our RESTful API guidelines (sorted alphabetically):
Problem: Java library that implements application/problem+json
Problems for Spring Web MVC: library for handling Problems in Spring Web MVC
Jackson Datatype Money: extension module to properly support datatypes of
JSON fields: framework for limiting fields of JSON objects exposed by Rest APIs
Tracer: call tracing and log correlation in distributed systems
TWINTIP Spring Integration: API discovery endpoint for Spring Web MVC